Domain Name, IP&ASN WHOIS Search System



Welcome to the Domain Name, IP&ASN WHOIS Search System!

You can use this tool to query domain name information, IP addresses, and ASN information. Simply enter the domain name, IP address, or ASN number in the input field above and select the appropriate search type (Domain WHOIS Search or IP&ASN WHOIS Search).

How to Use:

  1. Enter the domain name, IP address, or ASN number in the input field.
  2. Select the appropriate search type (Domain or IP&ASN WHOIS Search).
  3. Click the "Enquiry" button to get the results.
  4. After submitting your query, you will see detailed WHOIS information for the specified domain name, IP address, or ASN number.


The results include registration details, expiration date, registrar information, DNS servers, and more.

Domain Examples:

Domain Name (Example:

IDN Domain Name (Example: 你好.世界)

ASN Examples:

ASN 16bit (Example: AS15169)

ASN 32bit (Example: AS401308)

IP Examples:

IPv4 (Example:

IPv6 (Example: 2400:3200::1)

Searching ASN/IPv4/IPv6 may take longer time, if timeout, please retry.